Thursday 30 January 2014

The Witches

In the end I decided to choose to illustrate The Witches.

Having chosen The Witches, which is one of my favourite childhood books, I think that the audience this book is aimed at (primarily children- although I know a few adults that enjoy this book too!) will be an appropriate genre for my style of illustration.
Through some recent self-exploration I've come to the realisation that my 'style' is quite true-to-life; it's mostly realistic when compared to many children's book illustrators who twist things into their own styles and proportions.

For example this is a children's book cover illustrated by Nick Sharratt, who has illustrated most (if not all) of best-selling author Jacqueline Wilson's books.

The style of drawing is very particular in its' features, with the girl's face having attributes which are commonplace in all of Sharratt's drawings, such as simplistic details (especially in the hair) and not following the basic anatomical proportions of the body.

This is my current style of illustration, as you can see it is a lot more true to life (although obviously not photo-realistic) but there is enough detail involved to be able to say this is a realistic style. I can definitely develop this further throughout this brief and see if there are any little quirks or flairs I can experiment with to give my work its' own unique qualities.

I think that my style is appropriate because although a lot of illustrators have an unrealistic style there is still a market for semi-realistic illustrators. Most children's books or novels with realistic illustrations tend to be books based on animals, such as the Warriors series by Erin Hunter or the classic Black Beauty by Anna Sewell, and in The Witches, mice and other animals are prominent figures throughout the book which is why I feel like the book is a good fit for my style.

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