Saturday 27 September 2014

Vinyl Cover Research (3)

When browsing through  I found another album design which really did catch my eye. Designed and illustrated by Stanley Donwood, it of course features the iconic style he is renowned for, and features silver metallic flashes to emphasise the title typography.

Now, this type of illustration isn't my style, but I can appreciate the technical ability that comes into this. I can also appreciate the spectacular Limited Editions of this album (in both CD and vinyl), with its (again) concertina folds showcasing a full spread of Donwood's intricate work.

The illustrated spread shows a post-apocalyptic scene of the Hollywood hills. Quite fitting then, for an album named 'Amok' by a band called 'Atoms for Peace'. This shows that a certain synergy between album and artwork is needed to draw the audience in, especially those that would be interested in purchasing a collectors item such as this. 

Although my album packaging probably won't span the same length as this I think I definitely want it to have a decent amount of image space. In this design the title text is merged with the illustrations but this isn't really my style of doing things and so I would need either a clear space or a separate canvas entirely to house the text. 

(all images credit )

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