Tuesday 4 November 2014

Vinyl Sleeve Illustration- Exterior Final Image

After gaining a new boost of inspiration from my research, I dived straight into the final image armed with my graphics tablet and Photoshop.

The outcome was similar to the fashion illustration in terms of line quality- I used the same technique of using the brush tool with pen pressure on (instead of using the Pen tool or other) and consciously tried to connect them in this way.

There was a different in the way I coloured it though; I took a gradient-utilising approach for much of the background so I could achieve a smooth transition of tone throughout. I like painting in Photoshop but for this brief I wanted to keep it looking modern and pop-like, instead of an authentic painted look.

At this point I started trying to incorporate some symbolism in my work. For example, I've used fairly dull colours for the majority of the background (excluding the sky/horizon). This is because I wanted it to look like the was coming out of the old into the new; the caravan park is boring now but on the horizon is a golden sun and a joyful land, promising fame and fortune. This is also the reason I coloured her suit in such a precious peacock blue and shimmering gold- she stands out like a diamond in the rough in her original environment.

The sunburst on the horizon is a popular feature in many Art Deco works and was used to signify power, good luck, and rebirth. In this piece I've used it as to symbolise good luck and also wealth; the golden colour is reminiscent of precious metals and jewelleries. I'll be keeping it as a constant theme throughout the illustrated interior to really drive home the concept behind it, and to connect all the images even more tightly.

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